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Orcasitas, Spain

A model of inclusivity and community engagement in Madrid

The playground in the neighborhood of Orcasitas in Madrid was initiated by the Government Department of Environment and Mobility, aiming to create a unique play area that complemented the surrounding environment while being inclusive and accessible. HAGS was delighted to carry out this project.

The playground consists of two play areas with different surfacing materials: sand and wet pour. The wet pour area is specifically designed as an inclusive space for children of all ages and abilities, featuring a multi-play unit with accessible activities, a group swing, a Spinmee inclusive roundabout (wheelchair accessible), play panels, and seesaws.

The sand area includes an impressive multi-play unit with three high towers and two long tube slides, plus various activities at all levels. This area also has swings with different types of seats for children of all ages, a roundabout, springers, and seesaws. Sand provides a sensory experience and opportunities for social, imaginative, and creative play.

To complete the play area and create a comfortable environment, we have provided park furniture such as benches and litter bins.

This playground can accommodate approximately 139 children, serving as an important meeting point and play space for the entire community.

  • Location: Madrid, Spain
  • Year Completed: 2017

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Regno Unito

HAGS Regno Unito Nord
Complesso Waterfront
North Yorkshire
Regno Unito

HAGS Regno Unito Sud
Clockhouse Lane Est
TW20 8PG
Regno Unito
