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Sarrikue, Spain

The Bilbao City Council, aiming to improve the quality of life for its residents, has created a new multidisciplinary area to meet the needs of children, youth, and adults by regenerating the previously disused Zumalakarregi Public School space.

The new sports area consists of four spaces: football areas, a basketball court, a fronton court, and a zone for young children with diverse activities. This setup integrates traditional games, such as Basque pelota, and caters to those who want to play soccer and basketball. The different courts are enclosed with integrated goals to optimize the use of space, making it a comprehensive sports area designed for all ages and interests.

The new children's play area caters to a wide age range and accommodates the functional diversity of its users. It includes classic swings, adapted to a more urban and futuristic design with group seats, inclusive seats, double seats, and baby seats alongside an adult. The area also features a modern polygonal climbing structure and a comprehensive multi-play unit filled with activities that help develop visuomotor coordination, dexterity, literacy, and understanding of mathematical shapes. These can be used individually or in groups.

The "Biosaludables" circuit allows older adults to enjoy this space with activities adapted for them, offering a circuit for different types of exercise.

  • Location: Bilbao, España
  • Year Completed: 2018

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Wielka Brytania

Waterfront Complex
Północne Yorkshire
Zjednoczone Królestwo

Clockhouse Lane East
TW20 8PG
Zjednoczone Królestwo
