HAGS Connect

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Minu tootekollektsioon

Toote lisamiseks klõpsake lihtsalt igal tooteleheküljel nupule Lisa minu kollektsiooni. Kui olete tooted kollektsiooni lisanud, saate printida tootekataloogi, laadida alla paigaldusjuhendeid, pilte ja DWG-faile või küsida hinnapakkumist.

Seesaw Hover


Seesaw Hover Seesaw Hover Seesaw Hover

The Hover “jet-ski” brings the springer playground item, so popular with small children, into the young people and teenage market. The concept is simple, two jet skis opposite each other with handlebars and footboards. Bounce up and down and side to side, as you ride the waves, push Hover to its limits and it will always springs back for more! There’s even a central board to stand on if you fancy an even more challenging ride! Fantasy and role play, motor skills and physical challenge are all wrapped up in this item. Whilst the spring strength precludes very young children the item does appeal across a wide age range.

Cast In Place Cast In Place

2-kohaline - Kollane

Kokkupaneku aeg 5 tundi
Pikkus 2260 mm
Laius 500 mm
Kõrgus 1450 mm
Netokaal 137,00 kg
Maht (m3) 1.27 m³
Langemise kõrgus 800 mm
Ohutusala laius 3500 mm
Ohutusala pikkus 5300 mm
Ohutusala 17 m²

Lisateave ankurdamise kohta

Materjal kg %
Polüamiid (PA) 0 0
Polüetüleen (PE) 9.7 7.1
Pulbriga kaetud polüester 1.1 0.8
Pulbriline kruntimine primer 1.1 0.8
Ringlussevõetud kummi 18 13.2
Roostevaba teras 3.1 2.3
Töötlemata teras 104 75.9
  137 kg 100%

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