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UniPlay Birro


UniPlay Birro UniPlay Birro UniPlay Birro

The Birro is perfect for the ultimate climbing experience. With many different combinations of climbing equipment, it creates a challenging adventure. The amble ladder consists of several rope ladders where the ladder is placed at various heights and the netted web ceiling is high above the ground. From here the ‘spider in the web’ can get an overview of the entire play area or even take a nice break. There is also a trapeze full of opportunities to swing and hang by the arms of knees! Friends can also play and compete with each other. Who can reach the top first?

Uputatud sihtasutus Uputatud sihtasutus

Terasest post - Steel Post - Hall

  • Hinnanud SundaHus, Hinne: A

Vanusevahemik 5-12
Kokkupaneku aeg 22 tundi
Pikkus 2100 mm
Laius 2100 mm
Kõrgus 2420 mm
Netokaal 404,26 kg
Maht (m3) 2.05 m³
Langemise kõrgus 2200 mm
Ohutusala laius 6100 mm
Ohutusala pikkus 6100 mm
Ohutusala 34 m²

Lisateave ankurdamise kohta

Materjal kg %
Alumiinium 1.5 0.4
Betoon 119.9 29.6
HPL 15 3.7
Polüamiid (PA) 2.8 0.7
Polüetüleen (PE) 0 0
Tahke polüuretaan (PUR) 3.1 0.8
Pulbriga kaetud polüester 4.8 1.2
Roostevaba teras 0.9 0.2
Töötlemata teras 257 63.4
Tsink (galvaniseeritud) 0 0
Tsink (kuumtsingitud) 0.1 0
  405 kg 100%

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