HAGS Connect

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UniPlay Bihar


UniPlay Bihar UniPlay Bihar UniPlay Bihar UniPlay Bihar

The UniPlay Bihar playhouse is an impressive and inclusive addition to any play space. It features stylish window frames and optional animal graphics, transforming it into an exciting jungle den with the addition of an elephant-shaped slide, smiling lions, and monkeys. Children can access the playhouse through various routes, including a net tunnel, ladders, and a challenging ball post. The ball post incorporates polyurethane foam balls for enhanced climbing. The central cabin provides privacy for older children, while younger children can enjoy hide and seek in ground level compartments. Classic items like talk tubes and a shop counter spark imagination and role play. The UniPlay Bihar is designed to inspire creativity and provide an engaging play experience.

Cast In Place Cast In Place

Puidust post - Puidust postid / puidust paneelid - Roheline

Vanusevahemik 5-12, 3-5
Kokkupaneku aeg 110 tundi
Pikkus 8500 mm
Laius 8930 mm
Kõrgus 4660 mm
Netokaal 1 716,84 kg
Langemise kõrgus 1800 mm
Ohutusala laius 11730 mm
Ohutusala pikkus 11810 mm
Ohutusala 74 m²

Lisateave ankurdamise kohta

Materjal kg %
Alumiinium 1.4 0.1
Betoon 41 1.6
Kiudplaat 3.3 0.1
HPL 442.8 17.8
Mänd 1216.1 48.9
Vineer 7.3 0.3
Polüamiid (PA) 12.5 0.5
Polüetüleen (PE) 3.2 0.1
Polüuretaan vaht/flex 8.4 0.3
Tahke polüuretaan (PUR) 5.2 0.2
Pulbriga kaetud polüester 7.7 0.3
Roostevaba teras 17.6 0.7
Roostevaba teras EN 1.4301 146.1 5.9
Termoplastiline elastomeer (TPE) 0.3 0
Töötlemata teras 459.1 18.5
Märg värv puidu jaoks 107 4.3
Tsink (galvaniseeritud) 0.3 0
Tsink (kuumtsingitud) 6.1 0.2
  2485 kg 100%

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