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Ega Color


Ega Color

The Ega swing offers exhilarating fun and promotes social interaction, making it a great addition to a trim trail or multi-play unit. It features two tyre seats and 6mm plastic-covered chains. The Naturlek range consists of nature-inspired trim trail units that can be combined to create a customized play trail. These designs have organic shapes and earthy hues, blending well with green spaces and having a low visual impact. The Naturlek system offers non-prescriptive activity options that encourage children to challenge themselves, use their imagination, and boost their fitness levels through running between obstacles. Made from durable Robinia wood, the entire range is resistant to harsh weather, decay, and vandalism. It complies with the stringent standards of the EN350-2 EU Timber regulation and is classified as class 1 timber, known for its solidity.

Cast In Place Cast In Place

2 Places - Nature with colour

Czas montażu 8 godzin
Długość 4200 mm
Szerokość 2600 mm
Wysokość 2400 mm
Waga netto 370,00 kg
Objętość (m3) 0.96 m³
Wysokość upadku 1500 mm
Szerokość obszaru bezpieczeństwa 3200 mm
Długość obszaru bezpieczeństwa 7800 mm
Obszar bezpieczeństwa 25 m²

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