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Swing Freestyler


Swing Freestyler Swing Freestyler

With its roots in surfing, kite surfing, skateboarding and snowboarding Freestyler really is the ride to get them excited. This innovative product was designed for older children so they can stand on the “board” and enjoy the exciting ride. Whilst standing you simply use the overhead handles and pull your body forward to ride the waves or avalanche! It’s a challenging ride, requiring strength, balance, skill and spatial awareness. It has the strength of a traditional swing yet is unique in its design making it a great park centerpiece. Most importantly kids love it. Its structural steel frame comes with a 30 year guarantee, the moving parts with a 2 year guarantee meaning this will be a low cost piece of play equipment.

年龄范围 7-12
组装时间 9 小时
长度 3530 毫米
宽度 690 毫米
高度 2920 毫米
净重 182,00 kg
体积(立方米) 12 m³
坠落高度 1500 毫米
安全区宽度 2200 毫米
安全区长度 8200 毫米
安全区 18 m²

材料 公斤 %
聚乙烯(PE) 3 1.6
聚酯粉末涂层 1.3 0.7
粉末涂层底漆 1.3 0.7
不锈钢 0.6 0.3
未经处理的钢 175.7 96.6
  182 kg 100%








