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UniMini Cantoni


UniMini Cantoni UniMini Cantoni UniMini Cantoni UniMini Cantoni

The fun and exciting Cantoni is filled with play items perfect for young children to play together. The stainless steel slide, can be reached by either the stairs for ease of access or the brightly colored climbing wall, add an extra challenge to users. As well as this, the double platform, and the lookout can be used by children to chill, interact and use their imaginations, pretending they are on a ship with the ships wheel. So that many children can use the equipment at once, there is an underneath section filled with play panels, a sorting game and shop game. The Cantoni really does have everything to fufil a childs imagination!

地面 地面

木柱 - 木柱 木柱 / HPL 面板 - 米色 米色

年龄范围 3-5
组装时间 20 小时
长度 3500 毫米
宽度 2150 毫米
高度 2600 毫米
净重 245,35 kg
体积(立方米) 1.65 m³
坠落高度 1000 毫米
安全区宽度 5150 毫米
安全区长度 6500 毫米
安全区 25 m²


材料 公斤 %
铝质 2.5 0.7
纤维板 2.6 0.7
HPL 200.9 54.1
松树 66.4 17.9
聚酰胺(PA) 2 0.5
聚酯纤维 2.9 0.8
聚乙烯(PE) 1 0.3
聚酯粉末涂层 2.6 0.7
不锈钢 0.5 0.1
EN 1.4301 不锈钢 7.7 2.1
未经处理的钢 79.3 21.4
木器湿漆 2.3 0.6
锌(电镀锌) 0.1 0
锌(热镀锌) 0.6 0.2
  371 kg 100%








