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Swing Seat Seilsitz für Titan


Swing Seat Seilsitz für Titan

The Rope Seat is an additional seating option available for the Titan Carousel, offering a unique and thrilling ride experience. Designed for riders who enjoy a different sensation, the Rope Seat replaces the traditional solid seats with a suspended rope seat. Riders sit on the sturdy rope seat and hold onto the provided handles as the carousel spins around. This seating option adds an extra level of excitement and challenge, as riders experience a swinging motion while enjoying the carousel ride. The Rope Seat is designed with safety in mind, with secure fastenings and durable materials to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for riders of all ages.

  • Bewertet von SundaHus, Note: A

Altersspanne 5-12
Montagezeit 0,5 Stunden
Nettogewicht 3,20 kg

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