HAGS Connect

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      Mesto Bouillargues, Francúzsko

      Bouillargues Municipal Park Redesign, France

      Project Overview

      Zone A
      Installation: Unimini Apista Steel Structure
      Purpose: To offer a compact, multi-functional play area suitable for younger children, fostering early development and imaginative play.

      Zone B
      Installation: Special UniPlay Structure 
      Purpose: A customized play structure designed to encourage physical activity, social interaction, and skill development for older children.

      Zone C
      Installation: Roty Roundabout
      Purpose: A spinning play element that promotes cooperative play and helps children develop balance and coordination.

      Zone D
      Installation: Anky and Jetsky Spring Play Equipment
      Purpose: Two themed spring toys aimed at younger children, combining fun and movement to enhance motor skills.

      The redesigned park will transform Bouillargues’ municipal space into a vibrant community hub, offering:

      • Diverse play experiences: Four zones tailored to different age groups and play styles.

      • Accessibility: Thoughtfully designed equipment to cater to various abilities.

      • Community engagement: A space that fosters social interaction, physical activity, and family enjoyment.

      By partnering with HAGS (suppliers of playground equipment) and ECOGOM (installers), Bouillargues Town Council has ensured the delivery of a high quality play environment that will serve the community for years to come.

      • Location: Bouillargues, France
      • Rok dokončenia: 2024
      • Project Value: €30,635