HAGS Connect

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HAGS Connect Prihlásenie
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Friaredalen, Švédsko

The forest themed playground in Friaredalen, Sweden

In the serene setting of Friaredalen, Sweden, lies a playground that immerses children and families in the enchanting world of the forest. The playground’s design, centered around a charming "little red cabin," invites visitors to experience the beauty and adventure of nature. This case study explores how the forest theme and unique features of the playground create a captivating and inclusive environment for all.

Embracing the forest theme

The forest themed playground in Friaredalen is a tribute to Sweden's rich natural heritage. The design seamlessly integrates elements of the forest, creating an environment that feels both authentic and magical. From the choice of materials to the layout and play structures, every detail has been thoughtfully crafted to reflect the essence of a woodland adventure.

The little red cabin: The heart of the playground

The "little red cabin" stands as the iconic centerpiece of the playground. This quaint structure, reminiscent of traditional Swedish cottages, serves as both a playhouse and a symbol of home within the forest.

Inclusivity and accessibility

The playground in Friaredalen is designed with inclusivity in mind, ensuring that children of all abilities can enjoy the space


  • Location: Jönköping, Sweden
  • Rok dokončenia: 2021

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Spojené kráľovstvo

Komplex Waterfront
Severný Yorkshire
Spojené kráľovstvo

Clockhouse Lane East
TW20 8PG
Spojené kráľovstvo
