HAGS Connect

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    HAGS Connect Prihlásenie
    Moja kolekcia produktov

    Ak chcete pridať výrobok, jednoducho kliknite na Pridať do mojej zbierky na ľubovoľnej stránke výrobku. Po pridaní produktov do kolekcie si budete môcť vytlačiť katalóg produktov, stiahnuť návody na inštaláciu, obrázky a súbory DWG alebo požiadať o cenovú ponuku.

      Mníchov, Nemecko

      Best of both worlds with UniMix

      At the playground of Caritas Children's House St. Nikolaus in Munich, children now have an exciting new play opportunity. The impressive UniMix Calla play structure, designed in a pirate theme, combines the globally beloved UniPlay and UniMini modular systems. This innovative design brings together children of different age groups in one facility, allowing everyone to play together regardless of age or abilities.

      This setup is perfect for playgrounds with limited space, offering a versatile and inclusive play experience for all.

      • Location: München, Deutschland
      • Rok dokončenia: 2022
      • Project Value: €40.000