HAGS Connect

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    Ak chcete pridať výrobok, jednoducho kliknite na Pridať do mojej zbierky na ľubovoľnej stránke výrobku. Po pridaní produktov do kolekcie si budete môcť vytlačiť katalóg produktov, stiahnuť návody na inštaláciu, obrázky a súbory DWG alebo požiadať o cenovú ponuku.

      Benefits of Street Workout and Calisthenics

      Street Workout is a combination of athletics, calisthenics, and sports with the goal of building a strong and flexible body. It is a modern name for bodyweight workouts that take place in outdoor parks.

      We have teamed up with Denfit Outdoor Fitness, which offers street workout units, providing the perfect opportunity to take your training to the next level.

      Explore Fitness Products

      About Street Workout

      Looking to enhance community wellbeing and promote a healthy lifestyle? Consider Street Workout areas. This blend of athletics, calisthenics, and sports fosters strong, flexible bodies, suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

      Street Workouts offer full-body exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, dips, muscle-ups, squats, and static holds (e.g. human flag, front lever). They can be done almost anywhere and support various disciplines, including Parkour, Crosstraining, Obstacle Trail, Ninja Warrior, and Bootcamp.

      Benefits of Street Workout Exercises

      1 Accessibility and versatility

      Street workouts can be performed virtually anywhere, making it an inclusive fitness option for all. It offers a comprehensive full body workout. There is something for everyone!

      2 Physical and mental wellbeing

      Beyond physical benefits, street workouts promotes mental wellbeing and self confidence. Engaging in this activity fosters a sense of achievement and empowerment, leading to improved mental health.

      3 Community connection

      Street workouts brings people together, fostering a supportive and encouraging community. Training with like-minded individuals provides a sense of camaraderie, motivation, and the opportunity to share experiences.

      4 Diverse training opportunities

      Street Workout equipment caters to various fitness disciplines, including Parkour & Freerunning, Crosstraining, Obstacle Trail & Ninja Warrior, and Bootcamp. This diversity ensures that your community members can explore different fitness avenues and stay engaged.

      5 Fueling the fitness revolution

      Embrace the Street Workout revolution and empower your community to achieve their fitness goals. Whether individuals aspire to get in shape, build skills, or simply have fun, street workout offers a bold, enthusiastic, and sportive path to self improvement.

      Join the movement!

      Now is the perfect time to embark on this fitness journey with Denfit Outdoor Fitness. Their range of Street Workout devices combined with a growing community of enthusiasts and competitions ensures that you can provide your community with top-notch fitness experiences.

      By investing in Street Workout equipment, you're not just promoting health; you're also fostering a vibrant and active community that will benefit your community in the long run.

      Guide to designing fitness areas

      Zblízka vonkajšia cvičebná plošina so schodmi, na schodoch má vyrezané logo HAGS, vidno, ako chodidlá človeka stúpajú.

      Find out how we meet safety standards for fitness.

      V centre pozornosti ružové kvety s rozmazaným farebným ihriskom v pozadí.

      Preskúmajte naše možnosti farieb a ukotvenia.

      Hračka Springer pre vonkajšie ihriská v tvare koňa v červenej farbe.

      Máte otázky? Počúvame! Ozvite sa. 
