HAGS Connect

    Krátky blok úvodných informácií o službe HAGS Connect.

    HAGS Connect Prihlásenie
    Moja kolekcia produktov

    Ak chcete pridať výrobok, jednoducho kliknite na Pridať do mojej zbierky na ľubovoľnej stránke výrobku. Po pridaní produktov do kolekcie si budete môcť vytlačiť katalóg produktov, stiahnuť návody na inštaláciu, obrázky a súbory DWG alebo požiadať o cenovú ponuku.

      Fitness štandardy

      The new European Standard has clarified safety issues and test methods for outdoor adult fitness equipment in the market. It has also established a clear set of guidelines to ensure specifiers, purchasers and manufacturers have an understanding of positive recommendations towards outdoor facilities. To further improve safety, provide ease of use and ensure fitness products pass inspections, we have developed additional features to complement the new EN 16630 standard through the introduction of effective labelling with QR codes and internal stoppers.

      The EN 16630 standard requires labelling on all equipment with information regarding exercise instructions, main equipment functions and safety information. Our product range not only conforms to the new standard but also goes beyond by featuring QR codes for equipment use for youths and adults with a height greater than 1.4m. The QR codes also provide assurance about medical safety before use and QR code web links to brand new user training videos.

      We have also taken additional steps to improve safety by installing internal stoppers. Although external stoppers on fitness equipment comply with EN16630, introducing internal stoppers has reduced the danger of entrapment of hands and feet. The new internal stopper systems now apply to the Air Skier, Air Walker and Lat Pull & Push equipment, to provide enhanced safety and improve usability of the equipment.

      Zblízka vonkajšia cvičebná plošina so schodmi, na schodoch má vyrezané logo HAGS, vidno, ako chodidlá človeka stúpajú.

      Find out how we meet safety standards for fitness.

      V centre pozornosti ružové kvety s rozmazaným farebným ihriskom v pozadí.

      Preskúmajte naše možnosti farieb a ukotvenia.

      Hračka Springer pre vonkajšie ihriská v tvare koňa v červenej farbe.

      Máte otázky? Počúvame! Ozvite sa. 

      A man exercises at an outdoor gym station, he is surrounded by trees and nature.

      Explore our Fitness products.
