HAGS Connect

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HAGS Connect Prihlásenie
Moja kolekcia produktov

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Bezpečnostný pás


Bezpečnostný pás

This unique 5-point, fully adjustable harness further increases the usage of the Mirage Seat or the Dennis inclusive seesaw, making it even more inclusive. This great accessory is perfect for those that need extra support and security, allowing them to enjoy the ride and make the most of the play activity. It is easily fitted and removed, and there is an emergency, a quick-release button in the center of the harness. The harness is an accessory that is detachable and is advised to be removed after. use It is advised not to be left on the seat when not in use.

Leverans ex lager zo Sverige

Centrálny sklad

Vekový rozsah 5-12
Čas montáže 0,25 hodiny
Dĺžka 420 mm
Šírka 540 mm
Výška 850 mm
Čistá hmotnosť 0,59 kg
Objem (m3) 0.001 m³

Materiál kg %
Polyetylén (PE) 0 100
  0 kg 100%

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