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      Arena Kansas


      Arena Kansas Arena Kansas Arena Kansas

      A lot of sport is about teamwork. Investing in an Arena system is like saying to young people in the community “We want you to be part of the team”. Kansas introduces the range of Arena Multi-Sport Courts with its playing zone of 19 metres by 11 metres with full size goal areas and basketball hoops. Its layout is square cornered with a chicane gate entrance to one side. The side panels of the court are one metre high, the end panels are 2 metres high and the playing surface graphics are minimalised. Being relatively compact compared to other Arena systems, it is equally suited to play by older children and young teens who will enjoy the social interaction as well as the physical exercise.

      Odlievanie na mieste Odlievanie na mieste

      Steel Post - Silver / Navy blue

      • Hodnotí SundaHus, stupeň: A

      Vekový rozsah -
      Čas montáže 130 hours
      Dĺžka 22090 mm
      Šírka 12380 mm
      Výška 3960 mm
      Čistá hmotnosť 2 910,00 kg
      Bezpečnostná oblasť 274 m²

      Prečítajte si viac o ukotvení

      Materiál kg %
      Polyetylén (PE) 163.7 4.5
      Práškové lakovanie polyesteru 56.4 1.6
      Nerezová oceľ 116.1 3.2
      Neošetrená oceľ 3313.6 90.8
      Zink (elektrolyticky pozinkovaný) 0 0
        3650 kg 100%

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