HAGS Connect

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    HAGS Connect Prihlásenie
    Moja kolekcia produktov

    Ak chcete pridať výrobok, jednoducho kliknite na Pridať do mojej zbierky na ľubovoľnej stránke výrobku. Po pridaní produktov do kolekcie si budete môcť vytlačiť katalóg produktov, stiahnuť návody na inštaláciu, obrázky a súbory DWG alebo požiadať o cenovú ponuku.

      About Stjereborg Furniture Family

      Stjerneborg is a durable and stylish outdoor furniture series featuring a park bech with backrest, bench, and table. Designed with strength and resilience in mind, this collection is exceptionally weather resistant, making it ideal for coastal and bathing areas.

      Experience unparalleled comfort with Stjerneborg, where each piece offers a stable backrest for added support, ensuring a relaxing seating experience.

      Stjerneborg Furniture

      Materiál a farba

      Stjerneborg consists of densely grown engineered nordic wood and is surface treated with a protective layer of oil. This increases the lifespan and protects against rot and mold attacks. The foundation is made of concrete and the struts are made of galvanized steel pipe.


      Nordic wood/White




