HAGS Connect

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    HAGS Connect Prihlásenie
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    Ak chcete pridať výrobok, jednoducho kliknite na Pridať do mojej zbierky na ľubovoľnej stránke výrobku. Po pridaní produktov do kolekcie si budete môcť vytlačiť katalóg produktov, stiahnuť návody na inštaláciu, obrázky a súbory DWG alebo požiadať o cenovú ponuku.

      Advanced course in safety and maintenance of playgrounds

      In this course, we build on the knowledge you previously gained in the HAGS Academy – basic course. Or if you have otherwise acquired the prior knowledge that will be needed for this in-depth course. Mainly when it comes to being able to use and understand the basic requirements from the standard collection SSEN 1176. Also good if you are used to working with play equipment from a "safety perspective", for example planning, assembly, care/maintenance or supervision/controls.
      Course literature is Swedish Standard SSEN-1176: Play equipment 2024, edition 9. If you do not have access to the latest edition, you can order it here on our website, it is also possible to order on site in Aneby at the start of the course.

      ATTENTION! No later than 2 weeks before the start of the course, you must submit at least two reports from checks or inspections that you have carried out yourself or carried out together with a colleague. The protocols are sent to: j.wahlstedt@hags.com, but they must not be older than from 2017, they must be carried out against the requirements of the currently valid SSEN 1176:2017.

      Our goal is that, after the end of the course, you can carry out function inspections independently or in a group and have a good knowledge of how an annual installation or safety inspection of playground equipment is carried out. You have extensive knowledge of how SSEN 1176 and laws and regulations are applied regarding safety in playgrounds. You can interpret and partially draw up a report for checks and inspections, you have knowledge of how a report can be formulated and designed. And that you have extensive knowledge of the importance of routines for the operation and maintenance of playgrounds.

      The course leader is HAGS's safety manager, Janne Wahlstedt, a certified inspector with more than 35 years of experience working with construction and maintenance of outdoor environments and playground equipment.

      Course leaders:

      Janne Whalstedt
      Safety Manager

      Tove Due
      Sales Representative

      Course content

      • Good knowledge of Swedish laws and regulations for playgrounds.
      • Practical and theoretical elements for carrying out an inspection of a playground.
      • In-depth knowledge of the use of test probes.
      • In-depth knowledge of shock-absorbing substrates, test reports, how to read them, etc
      • To understand and partially be able to perform risk analyzes and probability assessments
      • Exercises in writing inspection reports.
      • Understand the importance of working with operation and maintenance routines, as well as searching for and being able to understand information when designing and projecting play environments.

      Day 1: HAGS head office in Aneby at 09.45-17.00
      Day 2: HAGS head office in Aneby at 07.45-16.00
      Price: 11 000 SEK excl. VAT.

      Coffee and lunch are included both days.
      Accommodation is not included in the price above. See suggestions for where you can book accommodation in and around Aneby at the bottom of this page.

      Do you want to become a certified inspector?

      HAGS Academy does not perform any personal certification. HAGS's course certificate is not proof of competence for inspection of playground equipment. It is not credible to both train and then test skills and carry out personal certification. According to HAGS, this is a very important issue of credibility.
      If your goal is to become a certified inspector for playground equipment, then contact RISE who will perform the theoretical and practical tests that form the basis of a possible approved result and thereby obtain a certificate with a 5-year validity that proves that you are a competent person to perform installation or annual inspections.

      Mail: fragor.person@ri.se
      Telephone: 010-516 63 00

      Suggestions for accommodation:

      Aneby Fawlty Towers guesthouse 1,5 km
      Aneby Camping / Cabins 5,5 km
      Eksjö Eksjö Stadshotell 24 km
      Nässjö Hotell Högland 25 km
      Tranås Badhotellet 31 km
      Jönköping There are several hotels in town 45 km
