HAGS Connect

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    HAGS Connect Prihlásenie
    Moja kolekcia produktov

    Ak chcete pridať výrobok, jednoducho kliknite na Pridať do mojej zbierky na ľubovoľnej stránke výrobku. Po pridaní produktov do kolekcie si budete môcť vytlačiť katalóg produktov, stiahnuť návody na inštaláciu, obrázky a súbory DWG alebo požiadať o cenovú ponuku.

      Inspirational outdoor fitness product packages

      We’ve collected some amazing examples of fitness product packages created by our global community of designers to help inspire you into creating your very own fitness project.

      Explore Fitness Products

      Small outdoor fitness package idea

      An excellent idea for small outdoor spaces or limited budgets as it provides users with a great range of exercises for a full body workout. The small outdoor inspirational gym provides the perfect mix of cardio, strength, balance, and flexibility.

      This carefully designed proposal consists of 6 fitness equipment: Air Skier, Balance Beam, Sit Up, Rower, Press Up, and Leg Stretch.

      Medium outdoor fitness package idea

      A great 8-piece bundle idea that provides the perfect mix of equipment for cardio, strength, flexibility, and balance. It has an excellent variety of exercise machines to choose from for all levels of abilities, allowing everyone to work on all muscle groups.

      This medium inspirational package consists of a Spinning Bike, Ski Stepper, Air Skier, Dip Station, Pull Up, Leg Stretch, Twister, and Balance Beam.

      Large outdoor fitness package idea

      This 9-piece set provides users of all abilities with countless fitness routines and an amazing choice of exercises for a complete workout. The large outdoor fitness bundle proposal has a fantastic selection of products for cardio, strength, balance, flexibility and calisthenic exercises.

      This inspirational package consists of the Trinity Bike, Ski Stepper, Air Skier, Lat Pull & Chest Press, Rower, Sit Up, Leg Stretch and Plyometric Platforms.

      Zblízka vonkajšia cvičebná plošina so schodmi, na schodoch má vyrezané logo HAGS, vidno, ako chodidlá človeka stúpajú.

      Find out how we meet safety standards for fitness.

      V centre pozornosti ružové kvety s rozmazaným farebným ihriskom v pozadí.

      Preskúmajte naše možnosti farieb a ukotvenia.

      Hračka Springer pre vonkajšie ihriská v tvare koňa v červenej farbe.

      Máte otázky? Počúvame! Ozvite sa. 
