HAGS Connect

Krátky blok úvodných informácií o službe HAGS Connect.

HAGS Connect Prihlásenie
Moja kolekcia produktov

Ak chcete pridať produkt, jednoducho kliknite na Pridať do mojej zbierky na stránke produktu. Po pridaní produktov do kolekcie si budete môcť vytlačiť katalóg produktov, stiahnuť návody na inštaláciu, obrázky a súbory DWG alebo požiadať o cenovú ponuku.

FAQs for HAGS Wooden Playgrounds

Explore our frequently asked questions page about our wooden playground range. 

Preskúmajte drevené detské ihriská

O spoločnosti HAGS

Who are HAGS?

HAGS is an integral part of the global leader PlayPower, the business that supplies play, sports and fitness, park and urban, marine and shade equipment around the world. We have operating companies in the UK, Sweden, Germany, France, Spain, Denmark, and Poland as well as a global network of authorized distributors in other markets. Click here to find out more.

Can you help us design an outdoor area?

Whether a new build, refurbishment or enhancement, no project is too small or too large, and our dedicated in-house team will guide you through every stage of your project, from initial enquiry, through to completion and aftercare. Please contact your local HAGS representative for further information or contact us here.

Ako HAGS prispieva k zlepšeniu životného prostredia?

Our manufacturing plants in Selby, UK and Sosnowiec, Poland both hold ISO 14001 certification, which is the international standard for environmental management systems (EMS). This helps us control our environmental aspects, reduce impacts and ensure legal compliance. Read more by clicking the following link on Sustainability. 

How do I know your products are good quality?

Since HAGS started in 1948, quality has been a key principle in our company culture. We strive to provide a quality service as well as quality products. Investments in our new factory, from new paint lines to infrastructure, will keep HAGS products competitive in an ever-changing market. Click here to read more.

About delivery and installation

How quickly will my order be shipped?

A large range of products are consistently available on a 6-8 week lead-time. Please contact your local HAGS representative for further information or contact us.

How will my product arrive?

We know you need simplicity and reliability when it comes to deliveries, so your order will typically arrive palletised and carefully packaged. Our approved sub-contract hauliers will deliver to you based on the detailed information you are able to share at point of order. 

Does my order need installation?

Our playground installation process is relatively easy and can be completed by a competent person or tradesperson without any prior knowledge of assembling similar products. HAGS provide detailed installation instructions which can be downloaded from the HAGS website via the relevant product page. 

What guarantees will my product come with?

Our warranties are real and not simply a marketing gimmick. They are based on years of experience and through installing products into some of the harshest environments. Click here to find our detailed Warranty Documents.

Veľké a vysoké detské ihrisko UniPlay s množstvom atrakcií, ako je šmýkačka a lezenie na detskom ihrisku. Je vyrobený z dreva.

Guide to wooden playgrounds.

Mladý chlapec sa pozerá cez ďalekohľad na vrchole veľkej drevenej hracej zostavy.

Máte otázky? Preskúmajte našu stránku s najčastejšími otázkami alebo nás kontaktujte! 

Ružové kvety v ohnisku s farebným detským ihriskom rozmazaným v pozadí.

Preskúmajte naše možnosti farieb a ukotvenia.

Hračka Springer na vonkajšie ihriská v tvare koňa, červená farba.

Máte otázky? Počúvame vás! Kontaktujte nás. 
