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      Hotton, Belgie

      A beautiful new children’s playground inspired by sea adventures has been installed in Hotton, Belgium.

      The old playground, featuring a HAGS boat-themed UniPlay unit with various water-themed play functions, was installed over 25 years ago. It was now showing signs of aging and needed an upgrade.

      Sea adventure themed playground

      As the previous playground was quite old, the municipality applied for a subsidy via Infrasports to replace the old equipment and redesign the existing play area. The subsidy was awarded at the end of 2020.

      The brief for the new playground was to maintain the water/sea theme throughout. Salesperson Fabrice Zanella, from our distributor LibraPlay, said, “Having looked through HAGS’ custom units, I came across this boat which looked very interesting and was a good starting point to design the rest of the playground around it. I added sea-themed springers, a UniMini pirate module, and a 4-seater swing for movement, as well as the Tango seat, which all parents love for swinging with their child. I suggested to the municipality to clean up and reuse the gravel base under the old boat and recommended covering it with sand so that it complements the aquatic theme, and it's also more pleasant for barefoot kids in the summer.”

      • Umístění: Hotton, Belgie
      • Rok dokončení: 2021