HAGS Connect

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    HAGS Connect Prihlásenie
    Moja kolekcia produktov

    Ak chcete pridať výrobok, jednoducho kliknite na Pridať do mojej zbierky na ľubovoľnej stránke výrobku. Po pridaní produktov do kolekcie si budete môcť vytlačiť katalóg produktov, stiahnuť návody na inštaláciu, obrázky a súbory DWG alebo požiadať o cenovú ponuku.

      How to plan and prepare for building an inclusive playground

      There is a lot of planning and preparation to be done when designing a playground for all. In this guide we highlight some of the things to keep in mind at this stage and some tips to help you through the process. We offer a full service, from idea to reality, so don't hesitate to contact us at any stage of your project.

      Sprievodca navrhovaním inkluzívnych detských ihrísk

      Who should be involved?

      Involving the community by creating a committee is a great idea. It allows you to share responsibilities, gather diverse ideas, and ensure the project meets their needs. Include a range of people with different interests and knowledge, such as disabled individuals, families with disabled children, playground professionals, school staff and parents, local government officials, and other stakeholders. This ensures the play space is well suited for everyone.

      The committee

      Organize your committee and allocate roles to ensure the project runs smoothly. Appoint someone to focus on children’s participation, developing creative and inclusive methods to involve them throughout the project. Include landscape experts or play space designers to ensure a realistic timeline and high project quality.

      Keep stakeholders informed of project status, events, and meetings through regular communications via social media, websites, newsletters, and notice boards. This helps them feel included and ready to offer support when needed.

      Is the location suitable?

      Selecting a site for your play space is crucial for the design and success of your playground. Carefully analyze the site early to minimize preparation costs and maximize safety and usability. Check the site's size, as it will significantly influence the design and costs of the playground.

      Deciding on ideal playground site

      Close up of a large pulley scoop for playing with sand and rocks.

      Natural elements

      Study the site to identify any extensive preparatory work needed, as this can add costs. However, natural features like slopes can enhance play value. Our designers can incorporate elements such as embankment slides or utilize the slope as a play space. Assess the risks and benefits of natural elements like trees and shrubs; they provide shade and beauty, but consider their roots and branches to avoid potential problems.

      Záber Ariela na veľké detské ihrisko s mokrým liatym povrchom, na ktorom sú vidieť farby, vzrušenie a jasné cesty okolo ihriska.

      The setting

      If there is an existing playground, our professional team can assess the safety and cost implications, helping you decide whether to remove it. Consider the site's sun exposure throughout the year, as some equipment may need to be placed away from direct sunlight to prevent overheating.

      A large playground tower is seen in the background, with a park bench and litter bin in the foreground so parents can have visibility of children while relaxing.


      The site should be easily visible and accessible, yet safely distanced from roads or congested areas. Check for nearby amenities like parking, water fountains, toilets, and security lighting, as these are important for an inclusive play space and will aid in planning and budgeting.

      Anything else to consider?

      Managing and spending funds wisely can be challenging. To keep finances in check, create regular financial reports, maintain visible targets and achievements, and consider long-term maintenance costs. Ask manufacturers about annual maintenance costs for playgrounds of your desired size and allocate sufficient funds in your financial plan. Having a mission and vision statement will help manage finances and keep everyone focused.

      Navrhovanie inkluzívneho ihriska

      Navrhovanie na začlenenie si vyžaduje premyslenú integráciu hodnôt hry a dostupnosti. Nasledujúce časti zdôrazňujú kľúčové prvky, ktoré je potrebné zvážiť pri vytváraní inkluzívneho priestoru na hranie. Táto príručka je flexibilná a umožňuje dizajnérom uprednostniť určité aspekty a vyvinúť vlastné stratégie, aby čo najlepšie vyhovovali potrebám používateľov.

      Preskúmajte nasledujúce stránky, ktoré vám pomôžu pri plánovaní a navrhovaní inkluzívneho detského ihriska.
