HAGS Connect

    Krátký blok úvodních informací o službě HAGS Connect.

    HAGS Connect Přihlášení
    Moje kolekce produktů

    Chcete-li přidat produkt, klikněte na tlačítko Přidat do mé sbírky na libovolné stránce produktu. Po přidání produktů do kolekce si budete moci vytisknout katalog produktů, stáhnout instalační příručky, obrázky a soubory DWG nebo požádat o cenovou nabídku.

      FAQs for camping and leisure businesses

      Welcome to our FAQ page for businesses seeking playground and outdoor fitness equipment solutions for holiday parks and campsites. You're here because you recognize the significance of creating engaging and health-promoting outdoor spaces.

      Whether you're aiming to enhance your current recreational offerings or embarking on a new project, our expertise is here to guide you in making strategic choices that will not only enrich the experience of your guests but also contribute to the long-term success of your establishment.


      O společnosti HAGS

      Kdo jsou HAGS?

      HAGS is an integral part of the global leader PlayPower, the business that supplies play, sports and fitness, park and urban, marine and shade equipment around the world. We have operating companies in the UK, Sweden, Germany, France, Spain, Denmark, and Poland as well as a global network of authorized distributors in other markets. Click here to find out more.

      Pomůžete nám navrhnout venkovní prostor?

      Whether a new build, refurbishment or enhancement, no project is too small or too large, and our dedicated in-house team will guide you through every stage of your project, from initial enquiry, through to completion and aftercare. Please contact your local HAGS representative for further information or contact us here.

      Jak přispívá HAGS ke zlepšení životního prostředí?

      Our manufacturing plants in Selby, UK and Sosnowiec, Poland both hold ISO 14001 certification, which is the international standard for environmental management systems (EMS). This helps us control our environmental aspects, reduce impacts and ensure legal compliance. Read more by clicking the following link on Sustainability. 

      Jak poznám, že jsou vaše výrobky kvalitní?

      Since HAGS started in 1948, quality has been a key principle in our company culture. We strive to provide a quality service as well as quality products. Investments in our new factory, from new paint lines to infrastructure, will keep HAGS products competitive in an ever-changing market. Click here to read more.

      O objednávání

      Jak zjistím cenu?

      Pricing can be obtained from your local HAGS representative or HAGS Office. Contact us for a detailed price list or itemised quotation (including installation if required). Contact us today to find out more.

      Jak mohu zadat objednávku?

      Once you have a quotation or a price in writing from your local HAGS representative or HAGS Office, please place your order either using your own standard Purchase Order process or by confirming your order on Company Branded Headed paper with the following information:

      • Product Number, Product Description, Quantity Required, Colour, Unit Price, Total Price
      • Adresa pro doručení, Kontaktní jméno pro doručení, Kontaktní údaje pro doručení
      • Adresa faktury, kontaktní jméno faktury, kontaktní údaje faktury

      Hned se vám ozveme s potvrzením objednávky a podrobnostmi o datu splatnosti vaší objednávky.

      Jaké jsou mé Možnosti barev?

      When it comes to identifying a color to best suit your business space, HAGS offer a standard range of colors that you can easily choose from.

      Visit our Colour and Anchoring page to find out more.

      O dodávce a instalaci

      Jak rychle bude moje objednávka odeslána?

      A large range of products are stocked for immediate delivery and for all others they are consistently available on a 4-6 week lead time. Please contact your local HAGS representative for further information or contact us.

      Jak bude můj výrobek doručen?

      Víme, že při doručování potřebujete jednoduchost a spolehlivost, takže vaše objednávka bude obvykle doručena na paletě a pečlivě zabalená. Naši schválení subdodavatelé vám zásilku doručí na základě podrobných informací, které jste schopni sdělit v místě objednávky. 

      Vyžaduje moje objednávka instalaci?

      Our Park & Urban Furniture installation process is relatively easy and can be completed by a competent person or tradesperson without any prior knowledge of assembling similar products. HAGS provide detailed installation instructions which can be downloaded from the HAGS website via the relevant product page. Click the following link to see an example under 'Installation Guides': Example.

      Jaké jsou záruky na můj výrobek?

      Our warranties are real and not simply a marketing gimmick. They are based on years of experience and through installing products into some of the harshest environments. Click here to find our detailed Warranty Documents.

      Mladý chlapec se dívá dalekohledem na velké dřevěné jednotce hřiště .

      Guide for campsite and leisure holiday establishments.

      Růžové květy v ohnisku s barevnou jednotkou hřiště rozmazanou v pozadí.

      Prozkoumejte naše možnosti barev a ukotvení.

      Hračka Springer pro venkovní hřiště ve tvaru koně v červené barvě.

      Máte dotazy? Nasloucháme vám! Kontaktujte nás. 
